Xiong Demands Greater Election Transparency - Merced Sun Star

October 19, 2022 - By: Shawn Jenson

Xiong expressed displeasure in the lack of response he received when he called to discuss the mistakes with the election office.

Xiong said he received little to no response when he asked what the errors were, how many precincts were affected, how many voters were impacted, and what is being done to fix the errors.

“I want to see more outreach,” Xiong said. “I want to see, one, wholeheartedly acknowledgment of the error, mistake, where it came from, what happened? There was a real lack of transparency with this, yet there’s no true acknowledgment of what happened.

“Nobody is really stepping up and saying, ‘This is exactly what happened. This is exactly what we’re doing. Here’s how many people were impacted.’”

Read more at: https://www.mercedsunstar.com/news/politicsgovernment/election/article267331782.html#storylink=cpy


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