My Platform

Addressing the Housing Crisis

Merced is facing a housing crisis with working families, yours and mine, unable to afford rent or purchase their first home.

I will fight for housing policies to help fast-track housing for youth, families, and seniors.

Investing in Youth

Potential is universal but opportunities are not. Prosperity and hope for Merced requires that we give our youth access to quality education, career pathways and job training to have youth contribute to our local economy.

I will fight for policies that prioritize resources for youth and keep them safe.

Building Healthy Communities

Drought. Poor air quality. Extreme heat. We are already feeling the effects of climate change. Unfortunately, our city leaders have done little to address this crisis. I have the experience it takes to improve our city and help neighborhoods be ready for climate change.

I will fight to ensure we invest in infrastructure to help make our environment healthier for all. 

Keeping Our Neighborhoods Safe

The public safety of our families and communities is my top priority. Police and Fire are overworked and understaffed. We need to invest in strategies that work.

I will fight to ensure we invest and spend our tax dollars efficiently to prevent crimes, improve emergency response time, and ensure our men and women in uniform are equipped to keep us safe.